Swetha's Blog

Tuesday, October 17, 2023


 What is Navratri?

''Nav''- NINE, ''Ratri'' - NIGHT

This is an Indian festival, where the ultimate power or goddess Aadhiparashakthi is celebrated in 9 different forms. This festival symbolizes the triumph of good over evil.

In general, many people are only aware of one navratri that is Sharrannavratri which is celebrated in month of Aswayujam. But Sanathana Dharma states that Aadhiparashakthi should be prayed/celebrated every month from the next day of amavasya to the following pournami. So this indicates that there are 12 navratris in a year.

There are some famous navratris that are celebrated throughout India in different months. They are :

  1. Sharan navratri in Aswayujamasam where the goddess is celebrated as Sharadha Devi 
  2. Vaarahi navratri in Ashadamaasam where the goddess is celebrated as Shakambari Devi
  3. Shyamala/Matangi navratri in Maghamasam where the goddess is celebrated as Aadhiparashakthi
  4. Vasantha navratri in Chaitramasam where the goddess is celebrated as Rama but incarnation of Lalitha
  5. 2 Gupt navratri.

 Now on the occasion of Sharan navratri, I would like to put forth my understandings and the things I've learnt from the elders of my family.

The mantra that we commonly recite is,

प्रथमं शैलपुत्रीति द्वितीयं ब्रह्मचारिणी
तृतीयं चन्द्रघण्टेति कूष्माण्डेति चतुर्थकम्
पंचमं स्कंदमातेति षष्ठं कात्यायनी तथा
सप्तमं कालरात्रिश्च महागौरीति चाष्टमम्
नवमं सिद्धिदात्री नवदुर्गाः प्रकीर्तिताः
उक्तानयेतानि नामानि ब्राह्मणैव महात्मना

  this mantra explains what are the 9 avataras of goddess.

  • 1st is SHAILAPUTRI
  • 4th is KUSHMANDA
  • 5th is SKANDAMATA
  • 6th is KATYAYANI
  • 7th is KALARATRI
  • 8th is MAHA GOWRI
  • 9th is DURGA


According to sanathana dharma the number 3 is a sign of accomplishment/attainment/fullfiment. The perfect example would be   "ॐ शान्ति: शान्ति: शान्ति:।।"  and this is recited at the end of a pooja, homam or any auspicious things. Which means let there be peace in every occasion and everywhere.

Now, there would be a question what is the relation between navratri and number 3. I would like to explain it with an another sloka 

Karagre vasate lakshmi, Karamadhye Saraswati

Karamoole Sthitow Gowri, Karapushtu Govindaha

Prabhate Karadarashanam

  The meaning is,

“On the tip of the hand resides Goddess Lakshmi, at the middle of the palm resides Goddess Saraswati.

At the base of the hand lives Goddess Gauri, It is auspicious to look at the palm in the morning.”

This sanskrit sloka should be recited after waking up in the morning by joining and raising your hands in the air to your eye level and chant with bhakti to seek divine manifestations.

 As the sloka mentions about three female deities, the navratri is also divided into 3 parts and each part is dedicated to above goddesses. The first three days are the avataras of Parvati Devi, the next three days are the avataras of goddess Lakshmi and the last three days are of the goddess Saraswati Devi.

This Navratri, I hope Goddess Durga bless each and everyone of us with power and strength to fight our battles and win over evil.

Shubh Navratri 🙏🙏💫💫 






Friday, October 13, 2023

New Beginnings


I usually don't write blogs and stuff, but now I would like to make writing blogs a habit.

I'm planning to post random things that are in my mind at the moment and I hope you all will like it.😁


Sunday, September 03, 2017

Present ME

So far, dad and chinnana used to post here..

From now onwards, I will be managing this.!!!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

My Sister

This photo is taken by Dad and probably about few hours from her birth.

She is my sister and we have some names reserved for her ...

Will post about those with a poll, till then keep watching..


Friday, August 17, 2007


While am watching TV.. at chinnanna's home ...

BTW, i forgot to tell you that, Chinnanna stays at Hyderabad

Don't distrub me... am busy in watching the TV

What are you looking at ... Get out of my sight ...

Am busy in watching POGO, ...

బామ్మా!!! చూడూ!!! నాన్నగారు... డిస్టర్బ్ చెస్తున్నారు..!!!

Am not litening to you any more...

Dont you undestand that, am busy in watching Cartoon channel...

This is your last chance...

I told you ...

This is the last... STOP!!!

Am feeling shy...

Am going to sleep now... bye...

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How to Smile

Am not in a mood to give phose to your pictures... get away...

DAAAD!!! am busy now, don't distrub me... let me eat first.. then will give you a smile...

Smile while play ... you can see mom behind the pic.. she is reading some novel ..

a Smile for Camera ...

This is a sample smile..

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Time to ride

At Neckless road, Hyderabad

It is general to ride camel.. let's ride some thing different

Finally, it's time to ride on DAD!!!!

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While Sleeping

While am sleeping... dad took this ..

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How to Make noice..

This is how i make noice ...

When am at high of my allari, dad captured this...

Kids, it's time for us to shout...

It's time to make looooooooooootttttttttsssssssssss of fun...
DAAAAD!!!! How do i look like ????

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With Bammma

With Baamma at Hyderabad local train. We are coming back from Chinnanna's home to Sec'bad railway station.

When am crying, dad took this image to divert me from the mood of crying... anyhow, how do i look like ???

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Sleeping Mood

What's happening here...

Am feeling sleepy, but dad is working on system. Mom is sleeping ...

No where to go.. let's sit here...

DAD!!! See me... am fit in this cubicle... how do i look like ????

NOOOOO!!!! Don't take my picture...

Anyhow, how is that... show me!!!!!

Guys.. you tell me how do i look like ?? Did you ever sit like this in your home ??? pl share your ideas

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Am back again

This is how do i look like when am about 4yrs. How do i look like?

BTW, i forgot to mention that, this image is taken from my dad's mobile.

More pics will follow soon...

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Monday, March 20, 2006

First Look ..

Hey ...
Click quickly... time to sleep ...

Sunday, March 19, 2006

First Post

Hi guys,

This is my first post.. and here i attach my photo taken on the 11th Day of my life...

ooooooooooooooooooooh... it's time to sleep... bye .. catch you later with lots of more pictures...